What is immediate loading implants? - Clínica Dentária de Lisboa
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What is immediate loading implants?

The one-day implant service is the result of several years of research and allows patients to enter without teeth and leave with a definitive solution – dental implants with immediate loading – on the same day !!!

In practice, the entire procedure, which was normally done in six months and several consultations, is now done in just a single day.

Are immediate load implants for me?

Immediate loading implants solve numerous problems and are aimed at people who have:

• Missing tooth – in this case, an implant with immediate loading (ceramic crown) is placed
• Lack of several teeth – in this situation, several implants and several crowns are placed, and in some cases, it is possible to choose a bridge with several crowns.
• Lack of all teeth – during this procedure, 4 to 6 implants will be placed per arch and then a fixed dental prosthesis will be placed over the dental implants.

What are the advantages of Immediate Load Implants?

• Teeth recovery in just 1 day
• Time saving
• Convenient – Fewer visits to the dentist
• Long-lasting and practical solution
• Facial structure is preserved and improved
• Improves the ability to eat
• Improves the ability to speak
• Improves your self-esteem
• Improves quality of life

How much does an immediate-load dental implant cost?
The price of immediate loading implants will vary depending on the techniques used and the number of implants and crowns needed to solve your particular case.

At our Dental Clinic in Lisbon, we do not have standard solutions. Since your case is unique, it should be treated as such.

If you are considering placing one or more dental implants, you are probably curious to know the final result of the treatment.

Do not waste any more time and book your 1st free evaluation consultation or fill out our virtual smile assessor and one of our doctors specialized in “Teeth in a Day” will find with you the best technical and financial solution for your particular case. During the consultation, one of our friendly dentists will explain the best solution for you and clarify all your questions.

Book your appointment now and get the smile you’ve always dreamed of!

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