Are You Satisfied with Your Smile? - Clínica Dentária de Lisboa
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Are You Satisfied with Your Smile?

Did you know that YOUR smile is the first thing people notice when they look at you? It’s true! This is what all studies say. This is the most relevant aspect of our entire body when we meet someone. According to experts, right after this comes the eyes, the smell, the clothes and the hair.

If you have never thought about the importance of your smile, think twice. It’s more important than you think and you have to invest in it.

To help you understand your level of satisfaction, we have prepared a small test:

When I smile …
• Do you feel confident?
• Do you usually put your hand in front of your mouth?
• Do you avoid photographs?
• Do your teeth look symmetrical?
• Do your gums stand out compared to your teeth (gum smile)?
• Do spaces appear between the teeth?
• Are you satisfied with the color of your teeth?
• Are you satisfied with the size of your teeth?
• Are you missing teeth?
• Do you have teeth restored?
• Are you satisfied with the shape of your teeth?
• Are the teeth crowded?
• Is there anything you don’t like about your smile?

If your answer was YES to any of the questions above, and you are motivated to regain confidence in your smile, make your appointment today or make your diagnosis online.

To see what our team can do for your smile, visit our gallery with before and after photos.

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