Treats - Don't know what to do with Halloween Treats? - CDL
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Don’t know what to do with Halloween Treats?

We bought your children’s goodies …
…And we will help a child support association!

“Halloween” is always a fantastic day when the little ones fill themselves with treats and the older ones close their eyes.

The problem comes later … what to do with so many sweets? And how to prevent children from “devouring” everything? For parents it’s undoubtedly an almost impossible mission!

To help parents in this task, our Dental Clinic in Lisbon has developed, in partnership with Pierre Fabre Portugal, a program for the exchange of surplus treats, which will later be delivered to a Social Solidarity Institution to support Children.

With this action we intend to:

Helping parents to free themselves from excess treats at home, tempting, at any time, for children
Promote in children a spirit of solidarity with other children and self-control
Bringing children who have had a less generous “Halloween”, a little more sweetness
This exchange program will take place on the 7th of November, from 4 pm to 7 pm at our Dental Clinic in Lisbon – Dentista24 and includes the delivery of treats, against the offer of the following material:

• 1 Pierre Fabre oral hygiene kit (limited to existing stock)
• 1 voucher for an Oral Checkup at our clinic
• 1 EURO for each 1 kg of treats that must be intact and without any signs of packaging violation
• A 50 € voucher on dental treatments for the child who brings the most sweets
Until the day of the exchange, November 7, children should strive to keep as many treats as possible in order to get the maximum amount of EUROS for their piggy banks.

In the end, for each 1 kg collected in sweets, we will also deliver 1 Euro to a charity that supports children. Keep up with the news on this Halloween.

Participate and share our Event on Facebook and Keep up with our blog.

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